Tight Purse Strings? Here’s How to Do Beauty on a Budget

Alice Johnson
4 min readMay 6, 2021

According to Groupon, women who regularly invest in their appearance spend on average $225,360 for this reason in their lifetime!

But beauty doesn’t have to be expensive and we’re about to share with you some of our top tips for doing it on a budget.

1. DIY Makeup & Skin Care

It’s pretty likely that most of us tried out some sort of DIY beauty during lockdown, from home pedicures to avocado face masks, handmade makeup products, and even amateur haircuts…I for one am so relieved that hair salons are open for business again!

Nevertheless, I, like many, discovered a few budget-friendly DIY beauty tricks that worked amazingly. After all, the most affordable makeup and skin care is the stuff you can make using ingredients you already have lying around the house.

Here are a few of the beauty industry’s best-kept secrets that you can do yourself from the comfort of your own home:

- Make your own makeup primers

- Vegan DIY face masks

- 5 step no-polish manicure

2. Beauty Schools & Colleges

Training beauticians are always on the lookout for models and offer heavily discounted services so they can practice on you. You may even be able to get a free appointment in some places!

So, if you’re on a budget and don’t mind being a guinea pig, consider finding a beauty school or college instead of heading to a professional salon.

3. All-in-One Budget Beauty Products

Using fewer beauty products is perhaps the best way to save money on your makeup routine and skin care routine.

Luckily, beauty brands are responding to their customers on a tight budget and there are now plenty of multi-purpose products available to buy. Not only are these better value for money, but they also save you heaps of time so you can relax or incorporate a self-care ritual into your morning routine.

Here are some all-in-one beauty products we love:

- Buff and blend makeup brush duo

Apply all of your makeup with a single makeup brush and get fingertip precision each and every time you apply your products! This one comes with interchangeable brush and sponge heads so you can buff and blend a full face of makeup for under $24.

- All-in-one BB cream

The Complexion Rescue BB cream gives a gorgeous skin glow with added moisturizing and SPF properties.

- 7 ways to use coconut oil for beauty

Who knew that coconut oil was so versatile? We can’t get over how many uses it has for our skin, hair, and makeup routines.

4. Minimal Makeup Look

We can’t deny that a full face of makeup will make you look like a snack! But we don’t always have the time or budget to do this every day and it’s not always necessary.

If you’re trying to do beauty cheaply then we recommend experimenting with the minimal makeup look by focusing on what you want to accentuate or cover-up that day. For example, if you’re only wearing foundation because you’ve got dark eye circles, consider just using a bit of concealer instead.

Check out this Bare Minimum Makeup Look for inspiration.

Want to make an impression but you’re going to be wearing a face mask most of the day? Go easy on the foundation and instead focus on the eyes. You could even try getting some eyelash extensions for a long-term look, which will save you lots of money on mascara!

5. Budget Brands

It’s a real challenge not to spend all of your hard-earned money at stores like Sephora, there are so many beautiful products! But buying your makeup and skin care items from these brands will set you back upwards of $50.

If it’s budget-friendly beauty you’re after, consider buying your products from the drugstore. We know that some of these budget brands can seem dull and uninspiring but it’s usually because they’ve spent less money on their packaging and marketing.

A brandless budget-friendly beauty product

You may even be surprised to learn that some of the low- and high-budget brands are owned by the same company, just catering towards different markets. Consequently, a lot of the products will be of similar quality, despite the bland packaging.

6. Wash Hair Less & Air Dry

Seriously. Although everyone’s hair and scalp types will be different, most of us are probably washing our hair too much. Overwashing can lead to dryness, which in turn causes the overproduction of natural oils, making our hair greasy and brittle. It also uses up far more shampoo and conditioner!

Worried you’ll end up looking like you’ve soaked your hair in olive oil? We recommend following this guide on how to wash your hair less for the best results.

Another great way to save money on your beauty routine is by letting your hair dry naturally (you can use a towel to absorb excess moisture). Repeated heat treatment can damage your hair so by leaving it to air dry you’ll be able to cut back on conditioning masks.

A woman towel-drying her hair

Beauty Isn’t Cheap BUT…

It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg! By following our simple tips above, you may just find you can save a dollar or two…and still look gorgeous in the process!



Alice Johnson

Vegan | Content Writer | Digital Growth Specialist | Community Development Leader | Public Health Scientist | Wanderer